A long time ago in a camp far, far away…
It was that time again. The snows had melted, the planets aligned, and the power towers blinked their message across the skies: It was time to create the NoBe experience once again! The staff arrived early, with two work weekends before camp to make things spick and span. However Billy Nye the Infomercial Guy had just sold the entire stock of picnic tables and tent platforms from the once proud camp of Yards Creek to the nearest bidder. With NoBe acting as the holding point for all of NNJC’s camps, the staff quickly threw as many tables on as many trailers as they could get their hands on and wrangled them back home. Another few days flew by and before anyone knew it, it was time to start putting camp together for real. Tents went up, songs were learned, and the camp was made ready to create a memorable summer for all.
The Staff getting tents ready to go into campsites.
Week One rolled in and with it a healthy amount of scouts. The sites were weed whacked, tarps had been set up, and skits were ready for the Sunday Fire; everything was in place for a great start to the season. What a first week it was! Tennis balls were shot at a giant canvas AT-AT, campfires were burned, and the week came to its classic combustion-able conclusion.
As Week Two began, things started to feel right. The kitchen kept producing legendary food, projects were getting done around camp, and National visitation was coming around the bend. Our camp got its National Accreditation! You knew it would all the time! (all the time). The skies decided to help the staff celebrate with some cooling rain; unfortunately it decided the Thursday Finale could be done… underwater. No amount of rain could dampen the spirits of campers and staff alike for long, and before you know it, half the dining hall was up and performing an ancient Native American rain dance known as the conga line. The dancing was so enthusiastic it got the Program Director to stop yelling and scowling long enough to dance a line or two. Week Two also saw the arrival of Darth Magus, and while his voice was menacing enough, his lightsaber skills left much to be desired. Lacking a lightsaber, he was no match for Hadron’s secret Jedi technique of flailing his saber in front of his foe. With both the new Sith and Grand Moff Kurr beaten back, and the camp celebrated anther victory over the forces of evil, and brought the week to a grandiose close.
Week Three saw more great weather, so great the bears thought it nice enough to help with the check in process. The NoBe Wildlife Management Department, located in the Camp Office responded not once, but thrice to bears trying to lead campers around on their Sunday tours. Before he could be chased off for good, one furry friend fulfilled his Bearmaster’s duty by showing up at the Sunday leader’s meeting. Darth Magus took some dueling lessons, and went from the most comedic walk on to the most awesome. Our new Outdoor Engineering department continued to supply the Grand Moff with robots to spy on Hadron and Roc, while Roc kept commissioning them to build him a better rocket ship. No matter what they tried though, all their ships kept succumbing to the call of gravity. It looked like Roc and Hadron were stuck here for a couple more weeks.
Sith Lord Darth Magus and Jedi Knight Hadron Hastor having a lightsaber deul in the Dining Hall.
As Week Four made its way into camp it brought something the camp had not seen yet this summer: actual hot days. With Sunday busting records as the second hottest day of the season (a blistering 88 degrees) the staff encouraged the camp to stay hydrated. Soon enough however the weather returned to its normal temperature and merit badges were taught with gusto. Spirits were constantly high, as the Crafts banded together to decorate their little slice of camp for Christmas in July. The Big Man in Red made an appearance, burdened with gifts of sweet tart candy canes for the camp. If the camp wasn’t bright enough, Friday’s fire wanted to partake in the Christmas cheer as well, and lit up the night sky in its most brilliant lightning display of the summer so far.
The weather tried to keep us on our toes for Week Five, by having its own additions to the Sunday Fire. With all the lightning setting the sky above the ridge ablaze, the fire itself was kept and prepped for the biggest and best First Year Fire of the summer. After the rain the heat tried to make its way into camp at least one more time, just to say that we broke 90º at least once. The cool nights and gorgeous days showed up before too long, making the week even more awesome. As the week drew to a close, there was only one way to celebrate the end of another successful week: more fires and masterful skits performed by the Troops.
Week Six saw an even more ideal week, and with it a constant stream of sunny days and cooler nights. Fires were lit without a hitch, and the Wednesday and Thursday games were ran as smoothly as ever. The summer came to a close in the same way it has at the end of every Friday fire, with explosions in the sky and smiles on the faces of everyone in camp. As troops left the fire (all of which were able to happen outside!!) another amazing season of NoBe Life came to a close…
Fireworks explode above the campfire site at the close of another fantastic week at Camp NoBeBoSco.