Welcome to NoBe Everywhere!

-Monday Edition-

Virtual What’s It Box

See if you can identify this common camp object from a close-up picture. Correct guesses and results will be shared tomorrow!

Camp Awards

Interested in earning the Everywhere Pin?  Want to earn Honor Troop and Honor Patrol?  Get that next strip on your achievement award?  Visit our camp awards site to view the requirements for the pin.  

 Senior Patrol Leader Meeting

Serving as your troops Senior Patrol Leader? Did you submit this form to identify yourself?

 Opening Campfire – Monday 8:30pm

Join us tonight for a live stream of our opening campfire!  Scouts will enjoy this classic NoBe fire live streamed from our campfire site.  Subscribe to our YouTube page, and click the bell  in order to be updated when we go live.  Should the stream drop, a new stream will be created on the NobeEverywhere YouTube page asap.