Welcome to the 2023 Camp Staff!
This website will be updated will be updated with important information - check back here as we approach the summer - last updated: 4/18/23
All staff paperwork will be sent to you / collected through Work Bright, you can find the information at app.workbright.com. Look for an email at the address where you have been receiving communication.
BSA Medical Form - you MUST have a completed medical form before arriving at camp. You will not be able to stay in camp without one!
NoBe Specific Staff Manual - review this manual for policies, position descriptions and more information.
You must complete Youth Protection and complete a BSA application for the Staff crew prior to June 1st!
Dates for the Summer:
Senior Staff - June 21, 2023
All Staff Arrive - June 23
Staff Week - June 23 - July 1
Week 1 - July 2 to July 8
Week 2 - July 9 to July 15
Week 3 - July 16 - July 22
Week 4 - July 23 to July 29th
Week 5 - July 30 to August 5
Week 6 - Aug 6 to Aug 12
Takedown / Banquet - August 12-14